Thursday, May 20, 2021

Tool kit blog

Welcome to my blog. Today I did word art. I really like this tool kit 

This it the art I did .

Some feedback for the girls that did the toolkit was speak more louder and more clearly. 

It was really fun doing tool kits. 

They told us to go a web site called word  

Link to the websites here  


If I had to rate them I would give them 8/10 

Minecraft coding 

Welcome again 
This time I did  minecraft  coding. 
It was really fun doing it 
First we went on a web site called
Then went on minecraft code.
There are level on the coding gaming it was made by students from Wesley primary students 
They speaked  clearly and they were really helpful 
If I had to rate them I would rate them 9/10 

My goal next year is to make a toolkit I want to make a toolkit and teach others how to do it 

Any feedback about my blog  and should I do a tool kit next year ?

Thanks for reading. 

Blog you later XD    

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Part 2 of our Rocket

 This is my groups design for our rocket project .

Our class is doing a rocket project we had to get in groups 

The rocket is a bottle  

Monday, May 17, 2021

Lets Blow some rockets!!!

For our launch today we blasted some rockets but they went in random directions. It didn’t go that far,

The wind was very very high today. 

The launch went very well,the rockets didn’t fail to launch.

The equipment didn’t have any issues . 

What I noticed is that the rockets did not fly straight up.

This could be due to the angle of the launcher not being perfectly straight. I think the wings played a role in how the rocket moved through the air.I think I could  improve

This by changing the wings and making the wings harder.

My next steps are to work on my wing designs to make it more stable and make the wings harder. I want to add a lid that will hopefully help with the aerodynamics.

I should use YouTube to research on what makes a good


Monday, May 10, 2021


 Today we did we watched a video of gallipoli campaign. So we had to use our imagination and pretend that we are solders writing letters to our family. Can you tell me what I should I improve on     

Monday, May 3, 2021